80s Cereals That Need To Make A Comeback 

On a recent trip to the grocery store I took a walk down in the cereal aisle. There are all sorts of different genres of cereals out there. You have the sugar free cereals. There are some traditional ones that stand the test of time. Some cereals are actually desserts that are disguised by hiding … Read more

Dad Creates Short Shorts For Dads To Show How Crazy The Short Shorts Fad Is 

Calvin Lee had enough of his kids walking out the door for school looking like they were not wearing any shorts or pants. The short shorts fad was driving him bonkers. No matter how many quips or zingers he would spit out, the only thing he got back from his kids were eye rolls. Yes, … Read more

Dad Creates A One Of A Kind Stanley Cup, Sells For Thousands Online 

Rod Crosby was never a trendsetter when he was in school. He never had the designer jeans or the right sneakers, but that did not faze him. Now as a dad with two teenagers, Rod has been hounded by his kids for him to get them the latest fads. Whether it was a certain shirt, … Read more