The Upside To Driving Your Kids All Around Town

Did you ever want to be a taxi driver? Well if you are a parent you get to feel like that from time to time. From driving my kids to ballet class to basketball practice I have become my kids personal Uber driver. All joking aside I do enjoy the time in the car with my kids. 

The main reason that I love this time is that I get to talk to my kids. There are no distractions of a tablet or phone in the car. We just get to talk. From asking about their homework assignments to our favorite Star Wars and Marvel movies I am able to have one on one conversations with my kids. 

Instead of turning on the radio I have been asking them about their favorite part of school that day. We go over what they learned that day and just last night after practice I gave my oldest a few math word problems to solve in the car to get her ready for her upcoming quiz. 

Is it like this every car ride? Nope. Yet I am able to judge my child’s mood to see what they want to talk about. I feel that in any relationship communication is key. The more topics we discuss now at their respective ages will hopefully let them know that they can come to me to chat about whatever is on their mind. From the small stuff to the big ticket items. I want to be there for them. 

I know that in a few years my kids will be driving on their own. I am looking forward to teaching them how to drive. But before they are asking me for the car keys it is my turn to ask them about what is going on in their world. I have really embraced this time with them in the car. So instead of feeling like a taxi or Uber driver embrace that time in the car. It won’t always be sunshine and rainbows, but this is time that you get with your kids. Enjoy the conversations as you drive all around town from dance class to practice. Not only will you appreciate the conversations, but your kids will know that you care about what is going on in their lives! 

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