Where Do Parents Go When They Need Help? 

Please note: I am working with BetterHelp on a sponsored campaign. I am receiving payment for my work, but my thoughts are my own. 

When I was a kid I thought my parents had all the answers. Once I became a parent I found out that parents do NOT have all the answers. We do what we can. We try to be the best parent we can be each day. For us parents, we want to always be there for our kids. Yet, there are times when we need help. Who do we go to for help? How do we find time in our busy day to get said help? Thankfully parents can get the help they need with BetterHelp. BetterHelp’s mission is to make professional therapy accessible, affordable, and convenient. They do this so anyone who struggles with life’s challenges can get help, anytime and anywhere.

Getting The Right Help So You Can Be There For Your Kids

No matter what age your children are you will find being a parent can be stressful at times. You are always second guessing yourself on whether or not you made the right decision. There might not be an instruction manual on how to raise kids, but there are resources such as getting professional help. You may have a few parents in your circle that you bounce things off of, but there could be topics you don’t feel comfortable sharing with them. You might not want to be judged by your peers so you keep quiet. That is not healthy for your or your family. You need someone to talk to so you can be your best self. BetterHelp is there for you to validate your concerns and needs. Being able to talk things out and get on the right track can do wonders for you and your family. 

First Time Parents Are Filled With So Many Doubts 

Am I doing the right thing for my baby? Should we be using breast milk or formula? When do you let your baby cry it out at night? These are just some of the questions new parents ask themselves on a daily basis. When you add in the late nights of feedings and diaper changes you start to feel like you are moving through a fog. There are days where you might not be thinking clearly. In addition you and your spouse may be dealing with postpartum depression. That once was taboo to talk about. Now as people are sharing more of their struggles with mental health, we are encouraged to find help. Not only can BetterHelp work around your schedule, but you can chat with a professional therapist in the comfort of your own home via the internet. This is a huge plus when it is the winter or fall months and you don’t want to travel with your infant when the weather is bad. 

The Recent Struggles Of Pandemic 

So before the pandemic, we were stressing about things I mentioned earlier. Now when you throw in a global pandemic and everything it brought with it,  the stress meter goes sky high. I struggled with different issues during the pandemic. Some of those issues were about how my wife and I were parenting our kids during it. Were we making the right decisions. I know that kids are resilient, but I would not just second guess myself, but at times I would question my parenting choices over and over. I know a lot of parents were going through something similar. Communication is key in all facets of life. Mental health needs to be talked about. When you need someone to help you and you feel alone, BetterHelp can be the solution. There is a proverb that says it takes a village to raise a child. If you need help, let BetterHelp be part of that village. You and your family will be better for it. 

How You Can Get The BetterHelp You Need 

To learn more on how BetterHelp can assist you, check out their website at betterhelp.com. While you are at the website check out the review section on people’s experience using BetterHelp. So many people have been using BetterHelp that they’re recruiting additional therapists in all 50 states. Plus for my readers when you use the special link at betterhelp.com/artoffatherhood you can get 10% off your first month. 

24 thoughts on “Where Do Parents Go When They Need Help? ”

  1. This! This all day. I can’t begin to tell you how refreshing it is to see dads talk about this. I think both moms and dads need to show their kids that getting help is okay. Well done Art. Thank you for writing this much needed article.

    • Thank you Paula! I am trying to show that dads can talk about all topics including mental health.

  2. My wife and I were talking about all the crazy things that has happened these past few years. It has weighed on me so much especially during the time of Covid. I have been stressed out for a bit and I will check out Betterhelp.

    • I agree Dave. These past years have been so stressful. Glad you found out about BetterHelp here.

  3. I have been nervous about telling my family about how I needed help. I was angry and stressed at times in the past few months. One of my co-workers was talking about how he felt better after talking with a therapist. I am glad to see mental health being talked about more.

    • Thank you Jeff for being brave to share your story. BetterHelp can work with you from the comfort of your own home!

  4. Mental wellness should be talked about just like physical wellness. We need more dads to share their feelings about how they cope. Thank you for writing this.

    • My pleasure Corey. Thank you for sharing your thoughts too!

  5. As a new dad I can attest to having doubted myself a lot of times. I felt that I needed to say everything was okay. It is welcoming to see this on a fatherhood website.

    • Jay, I have been there. There are so many doubts that creep in. Make sure you talk to someone about it. BetterHelp is a great resource! Check them out.

  6. As a dad I feel that I need to be the rock for my wife and kids. This got me. I needed something like this. I like the fact Better help can work around your schedule.

    • Thank you for sharing your story. It helps to see other dads looking to be the best they can be!

  7. I have been doing therapy for a few years now. It has made me a better husband and father. I highly encourage people to talk with a therapist.

    • Thank you for sharing this Nate.

    • Thank you Trevor.

  8. We teach our kids to reach out to us if they need anything. We need to show our kids adults can do the same thing. I shared this article with my dad group. They needed to check this out.

    • Thank you Blake for your thoughts and sharing the article. I want to help as many dads and parents out there. You sharing that means a lot!

  9. I saw your fatherhood tweet today and wanted to read this article. This did not disappoint. I am going to check out your podcast soon! Keep up the great work.

    • Thank you William on your thoughts and checking out the podcast. I hope you dig the podcast series.

  10. I shared this with my wife. We are new parents. Our boy is a few months old. Reading your article makes me feel better. I have been worrying about a lot of things. Being a parent is huge adjustment. Never knew places like Better help existed. I will check them out.

    • Congrats on being a dad. Definitely check out BetterHelp. They are helping out a lot of people.

  11. I thought you brought up a lot of great points. Dads need to be feeling good in all aspects to be there for their family.

    • Well said Carter.


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