Parents Are You Looking To Keep Up With Your Kids And Life? UCAN Do It! 

“You better catch up on your sleep before the baby comes.” – Any parent to someone who is going to be a parent for the first time. 

We have all seen the memes where you have a gigantic pot of coffee and say I am ready to take on the day. Even though the large pot of coffee is exaggerated, how many cups of coffee do you have each day? If you are not a coffee drinker, what do you do for energy? Do you drink the latest energy beverage to hit the market? If you are done with the small bursts of energy and having to drink copious amounts of coffee or eat food with bad sugars UCAN is something you should look into. Not only do the UCAN products give you the energy you need, but their story has heart and parenting is the reason why this company was created. You will appreciate their products and how it helps you tackle your day, but you will love their origin story. 

UCAN Get More Energy

You might feel like UCAN is just another trend, but they are not. UCAN’s revolutionary products deliver steady, long-lasting energy without the spikes and crashes associated with sugar and other common carbs. Maintaining stable blood sugar allows for more productivity, focus, and optimal energy levels. What parent would not want to have that in their life? For me I shifted the way I eat a few years ago. At that time I went through an energy crash because I was taking out caffeine from soda and bad sugars. Instead of staying awake until midnight I was getting tired at 10 pm. 

As my body was changing I started looking for ways to get more energy that was healthy and sustainable. Recently I heard about UCAN. I went to their site and learned about how their products provide healthy and sustainable energy. As a parent and owner of a business I was elated to see a way to cross everything off my to do list each day, without adding the bad sugary drinks and foods that I used to consume. I now have the energy to be there for my family and run my business thanks to UCAN. 

Train And Perform Like Professional Athletes 

As a sports fan I marvel at the conditioning that pro athletes do to keep their bodies at their peak. UCAN works with athletes that look for ways to keep their energy up while training and playing on the field. One of those athletes that works with UCAN is former NFL quarterback, Alex Smith. In an interview with UCAN, Alex shares his relationship with nutrition as an athlete. 

In that interview, Alex says, “Learning about nutrition a few years into my professional career, I remember waking up to all these fallacies we learned during my childhood, like carb loading the night before a game, no fat everything, high sugar everything, and we all believed that for a long, long time. More and more people have discovered that it’s just not the way the body works. A lot has changed in the last 10-15 years about what the average person thinks about nutrition & diet, what sugar does to them and the effects it has on the entire country’s obesity and diabetes rates.” 

He continues to say, “I think UCAN can be such a big part of the continuing education of the general public. I’m very careful about the things I put in my body. Certainly sugar is probably the number one thing that I limit. I played football for 16 years and it’s amazing how much better my shoulder felt, my legs felt, how good my joints felt, decreased inflammation, how focused I felt throughout the day when I eliminated sugar.” 

UCAN Not Only Has Energy, But It Has Heart 

So not only does UCAN make sure that you can be at your best potential with all of their products, but their origin story is something that parents will appreciate. UCAN was originally designed for Jonah, a child with a rare disease that affected his energy levels. Jonah was born with a rare metabolic disorder. It prevents him from breaking down the body’s natural source of stored energy, glycogen. This condition required him to be tube-fed every 2 hours to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Jonah’s parents teamed up with a group of innovative thinkers on a search for a revolutionary energy source to manage Jonah’s blood sugar.

With that passion, Jonah’s parents and scientists help bring UCAN into existence. So not only will UCAN help you be there for your family, this is a company you will be proud to support. Just imagine if you were in their shoes and wanting to make their son’s life better. Not only did they find a way, but they are sharing that way that is a healthy alternative. Not only are you making a healthier choice with your nutrition, but you are a good example for your kids. How awesome is that? For more information on UCAN and their products check out their website at 

Please note: I am working with UCAN on a sponsored campaign. I am receiving payment for my work, but my thoughts are my own. 

25 thoughts on “Parents Are You Looking To Keep Up With Your Kids And Life? UCAN Do It! ”

  1. I think it is really funny when people tell parents to be to catch up or bank their sleep. I was constantly tired when my kids were babies. I agree with you that you need smart energy instead of bad sugars.

    • Haha…I can see that Daniel. Since I started doing intermittent fasting a few years ago and I now pay attention to what type of foods I am putting into my diet.

    • Hey Pete. I really appreciate the question. The items you see in the article were sent to me from UCAN work. The bars and UCAN edge are my go to in the afternoon. It helps me finish the day strong.

  2. That granola looks like something I need to check out. Thanks for sharing this with us. I really enjoy all of your articles. You talk about a lot of different topics.

    • The granola is very tasty and good for you. I have been eating yogurt, fresh fruit and granola for lunch during the week. Since I added the UCAN granola I have been feeling more sustained energy.

  3. It is amazing when companies like Ucan start up from parents looking out for their kids. These are the types of companies that I want to help out.

    • Totally agree Jeremy. Like I said in the article, UCAN is made up from heart and science. Their products are legit.

  4. UCAN looks like something that is up my alley. I have been running 10k’s recently. I am looking for ways to train better. I will try UCAN to see if it helps.

    • That is really cool on the 10k’s. Keep up the great work!

    • Nice Liam. Thanks for sharing your story.

  5. I work 2nd shift and try to work out before I got work. I am trying to find a way to keep my going through my work out and job. I will check out their products.

    • I think you will really appreciate UCAN’s products Tom!

    • Yes sir. Glad that UCAN can help me get everything done off my daily to do list.

  6. I am training for my second marathon. I heard you talk about UCAN on your podcast Art. I am looking for a better fuels for training. Just picked up some of their products!

    • Very cool Devin! Best of luck on your training! Looks like you are on the right track! (Dad joke!) Ha.

  7. UCAN products are a game changer. I have noticed a difference in my morning runs. I feel like I can run at great pace with the lift I get from their products. Glad to see someone is spreading the word on them.

    • Thanks for sharing your story. Really like hearing these!

  8. I thought you took a picture of me, Art. LOLS. That has happened to me before. Think I should look to UCAN for upping my dad skills.

    • Ha. That is too funny Jacen. I started taking UCAN last month and noticed a difference in my energy levels.


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