These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 181 – Dads Creating Opportunities For Their Kids & Others 

This week for the These Dads Are Doing It Right series I am showcasing dads that are creating opportunities for their kids and others. These dads are teaching their kids life skills so that they can thrive in all parts of their lives. In addition, if there are any other dads that you think we should check … Read more

Start Working Out On The Right Foot 

The older you get, the tougher it is to keep up with your exercise routine. You are tired. It feels like you don’t have the time. Or to paraphrase Detective Roger Murtaugh from Lethal Weapon, you might say to yourself, “I am getting to old for this (stuff.)” All of these are legit reasons to … Read more

How You Can Keep Up With An Exercise Routine Year-Round 

We are now in the month of March. How are those New Year’s resolutions going? I am not trying to start off on the wrong foot, but just checking in with your goals for this year. If exercise was part of that plan, but you have not kept up with it, here are a few … Read more

Running For A Reason – 40 For 40 

Roberto Santiago created a fantastic fundraiser that will be helping a lot of great charities. He is calling it the 40 for 40.  The 40 for 40 Race is a semi-competitive virtual running event. People over the age of 40 will each run a 40 yard dash. The highest finishers will be able to designate … Read more

Parents Are You Looking To Keep Up With Your Kids And Life? UCAN Do It! 

“You better catch up on your sleep before the baby comes.” – Any parent to someone who is going to be a parent for the first time.  We have all seen the memes where you have a gigantic pot of coffee and say I am ready to take on the day. Even though the large … Read more