Dad Reverses His Name For Newborn Son To Create A New Spin On Traditional Name 

Naming your baby can be one of the toughest things to do. You want the name to stand out, but you don’t want it to be too bizarre that your kid gets picked on at school. Plus, your partner might have different ideas for what to name your child. Let’s not even talk about both … Read more

These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 186 – Dads Who Are Poets And Know It 

This week for the These Dads Are Doing It Right series I want to put the spotlight on some dads who are poets. In this case they know it. There are many touching and endearing poems on fatherhood I would suggest you check out. Here are four of them. In addition, if there are any other dads … Read more

These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 172 – Fatherhood Unbroken

This week for the These Dads Are Doing It Right series I am putting the spotlight on dads who are looking to have Fatherhood Unbroken. From podcasts to blogs, these dads are sharing all facets of what it means to be a dad. If there are any other dads that you think we should check out leave … Read more

Gary Anthony Williams Talks Fatherhood, Acting And More   

Gary Anthony Williams sits down with me to talk about his fatherhood journey. We talk about the values he looks to instill into his son. After that we talk about his acting career and how much fun he has when it comes to improv. In addition we talk about voice acting and how much he … Read more

Collector of The Week – National League Baseball Collection    

A new week means a new post for Collector of the Week here at The Art of Fatherhood. As a fellow geek and collector of all things Pop Culture I wanted to showcase some cool collections that dads share in our community. We love to see this passion in what people collect. We talk about … Read more

Daniel José Older Talks Fatherhood, Ballad & Dagger & Star Wars 

Daniel José Older sits down with me to talk about his fatherhood journey. We chat about the values he looks to instill into his son. Daniel shares how being a good listener is key to being a good father. After that we talk about his new book, Ballad & Dagger and why this book means … Read more