Strum Away The Summer Blues With Music & Arts 

“I’m bored!” Those two words are like nails on a chalkboard to parents when they hear kids utter that phrase during summer vacation. You don’t want them to mindlessly watch TV or be stuck on their devices. So what is a parent to do? Well, thanks to Music & Arts you can engage your child with music lessons and if you act … Read more

Jeff Fajans Talks Fatherhood, Music, Creativity And More

Jeff Fajans was able to share his thoughts on fatherhood with me. We talk about his fatherhood journey and the values he looks to instill into his kids. After that we talk about the significance of encouraging creativity with your kids. In addition we talk about his music and why his music was nicknamed, Beastie … Read more

Ricky Williams Talks Fatherhood, Astrology, Football & More 

Ricky Williams sits down with me to talk about his fatherhood journey.  He shares how he uses astrology to become a better father. Ricky talks about how he learned to not only focus on legacy, but his kids legacy as well. We talk about his time in the NFL and what he enjoyed the most … Read more

Your Parents Hated Your Music Too

As Will Smith aka The Fresh Prince once said, “So to you all the kids all across the land. Take it from me, parents just don’t understand.” While that might be true in some areas, now that I am a parent there are things that we do understand that kids might not realize. Yet, when … Read more

Gregg Murset Talks Fatherhood, BusyKid And Managing Money

Gregg Murset, who is the CEO and Co-Founder of BusyKid sits down with me to talk about his fatherhood journey. We talk about the values he and his wife instilled into his kids. Next we talk about the benefits that kids and parents can gain from using BusyKid. Gregg shares what kids should know about … Read more

Cracking The Code To Find A New Path 

One piece of advice that my wife and I pass onto our daughters is to never stop learning. In this parenting space I am constantly learning about how to be a better dad, husband and overall human being. I learn from others as they tell their story in my Art of Fatherhood podcast.  One recent … Read more