These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 194 – Star Wars Dads Doing It Right  

This week for the These Dads Are Doing It Right series I am showcasing some Star Wars Dads. As we get ready for Star Wars Day, May 4th, I wanted to highlight more Star Wars dads that are doing things right. In addition, if there are any other dads that you think we should check out leave … Read more

Collector of The Week – My Vintage Star Wars Action Figure Collection 

A new week means a new post for Collector of the Week here at The Art of Fatherhood. As a fellow geek and collector of all things Pop Culture I wanted to showcase some cool collections that dads share in our community. We love to see this passion in what people collect. We talk about … Read more

Collector of The Week – An Elegant Lightsaber Collection, For A More Civilized Age

A new week means a new post for Collector of the Week here at The Art of Fatherhood. As a fellow geek and collector of all things Pop Culture I wanted to showcase some cool collections that dads share in our community. We love to see this passion in what people collect. We talk about … Read more

I Need Someone To Help Me Find My Place 

If you have read other articles here at The Art of Fatherhood, you know that Star Wars is a big influence for me. There are moments when I watch the movies in the Star Wars saga and I think about a line or a scene that I can relate to being a dad. One scene … Read more

Collector of The Week – A Kotobukiya Pop Culture Collection

A new week means a new post for Collector of the Week here at The Art of Fatherhood. As a fellow geek and collector of all things Pop Culture I wanted to showcase some cool collections that dads share in our community. We love to see this passion in what people collect. We talk about … Read more

Collector Of The Week – A Vintage Star Wars Collection For The Ages

A new week means a new post for Collector of the Week here at The Art of Fatherhood. As a fellow geek and collector of all things Pop Culture I wanted to showcase some cool collections that dads share in our community. We talk about the latest movies, vintage comic books, and video games that … Read more