These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 198 – Dads In Comic Books That Are Beyond Heroic 

This week for the These Dads Are Doing It Right series I am highlighting dads who are in comic books. These fictional characters model qualities that dads in real life strive to be for their family. In addition, if there are any other dads that you think we should check out leave their name and info in … Read more

Collector of The Week – Superman Comic Book Collection 

A new week means a new post for Collector of the Week here at The Art of Fatherhood. As a fellow geek and collector of all things Pop Culture I wanted to showcase some cool collections that dads share in our community. We love to see this passion in what people collect. In addition, we … Read more

Collector of The Week – Super Friends Action Figure Collection 

A new week means a new post for Collector of the Week here at The Art of Fatherhood. As a fellow geek and collector of all things Pop Culture I wanted to showcase some cool collections that dads share in our community. We love to see this passion in what people collect. We talk about … Read more

Collector of The Week – Vintage Super Powers Toy Collection 

A new week means a new post for Collector of the Week here at The Art of Fatherhood. As a fellow geek and collector of all things Pop Culture I wanted to showcase some cool collections that dads share in our community. We love to see this passion in what people collect. We talk about … Read more

Collector of The Week – When Comic Books Meet Hot Wheels 

A new week means a new post for Collector of the Week here at The Art of Fatherhood. As a fellow geek and collector of all things Pop Culture I wanted to showcase some cool collections that dads share in our community. We love to see this passion in what people collect. We talk about … Read more

Collector of The Week – An Incredible DC Comics LEGO Mini-figure Collection

A new week means a new post for Collector of the Week here at The Art of Fatherhood. As a fellow geek and collector of all things Pop Culture I wanted to showcase some cool collections that dads share in our community. We love to see this passion in what people collect. We talk about … Read more