Trane Yourself To Get Into A Routine Of Taking Care Of Your Home

This year my wife and I have been tackling a bunch of tasks from our to-do list for our home. We are painting rooms, straightening up the backyard and completing some DIY projects. There is a great sense of accomplishment when you finish a project. One thing that I have learned this year is that it is better to have preventative maintenance done on your home than having to call a technician to repair something when it breaks down. Plus it is more cost effective. I think saving money is something we can all appreciate. 

Make Your Own Routine For Taking Care Of Your Home 

Last week I spoke with Trane specialist, Mike Topitzhofer. We talked about fatherhood and working at Trane in the Building Science Department. He also talked about what homeowners can do using preventative maintenance to keep their houses running smoothly. You can listen to the podcast HERE. 

During our discussion I asked him if the old adage an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is true when it comes to heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Without skipping a beat Mike told me without a doubt YES! He suggested that a Trane specialist come to your house to check up on your HVAC units, air quality and thermostats. Since we purchased our home a few years ago we have scheduled a tech to come in twice a year to check up on the HVAC units. We schedule a tech to come in the months of March and October to make sure things are running smoothly as the seasons change. 

Myth Or Fact When It Comes To Air Quality 

There were a few things I asked Mike when it comes to getting the best air quality for your home. I have heard from some people that you don’t need filters for your vents in your house as long as you have a filter in your HVAC unit. Other people told me that you need to have filters in every vent of your house. Mike told me that it ultimately comes down to your type of house. Your home is different from your friends and family. So what might work for their house may not work for your home. That is where the technician comes into play. They can let you know what is best for your home. 

Get The Latest Tech From Trane

The last thing that I spoke with Mike about was the latest gadgets and tech from Trane. As the holidays are approaching you might want to check out Trane’s website for the latest tech. You might build up a nice wishlist there. If you have a smartphone why not get a smart thermostat? The Trane ComfortLink II XL1050 Zoning Control with built-in Nexia Bridge combines zoning technology and a home automation hub. You can remotely control your home, comfort, and energy use. The less energy you use the more money you can save. It’s easily accessible from a smartphone, tablet or computer, which makes adjusting the temperature for your family’s comfort a breeze. Got to love that Dad Joke right there. 

I hope you enjoyed my chat with Mike Topitzhofer and that you will put Mike’s words into action. Once you get into a routine of taking care of your home with Trane your house will be running like a well-oiled machine. There will be less headaches and more time that you can spend with your family. To me that is a win-win. 

Please note: I teamed up with Trane for this sponsored post, but my thoughts are my own. 

23 thoughts on “Trane Yourself To Get Into A Routine Of Taking Care Of Your Home”

  1. I will use these tips once we move into our home next month. I agree with you that if you make sure things are running well you wont have an issue down the line.

    • Congrats on the new home! That is wonderful news!

  2. We just started having a tech come and look at our heating and cooling. He said we did need filters for each vent. Glad to hear that it is on a house by house basis.

    • Yeah. Once Mike told me that it depends on each house in our chat it made me feel like we were doing the right thing.

    • Trane has some really neat and new tech. Go to their site and check them out.

  3. Since we been spending more time at home we made sure to change our filters. We notice our house is fresher since we made the change.

    • That is great to hear! Thanks for checking out the podcast.

  4. We look to change out the filters twice a year in our units. I am looked at a few of the thermostats on their website. Might have to pick one up.

    • Yeah Kevin, the new thermostats are legit.

    • Thank you for checking out the interview.

  5. Glad to know that we have been doing the right things after listening to the interview. I liked learning about Mike’s family life too.

    • That is great to hear.

    • Nice! Glad we could be a reminder!

    • Glad my post helped you and your family out!

  6. I liked the podcast between Art and Mike. There was some good info in it. Plus the new thermostats seem like they will make a controlling heating bills a lot easier.

    • Thanks Patrick.

  7. Glad to know I have been doing something right when it comes to my home. LOL. In all seriousness this was a worthy read. Keep up the great work.

    • Hah. Nice one Craig. Thanks for the kind words and checking out my site.


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