Waving The Green Flag To Help Pave The Way For Your Child’s Future 

Please note: I am working with BetterHelp on a sponsored campaign. I am receiving payment for my work, but my thoughts are my own.  If you are a parent you know that kids are sponges. You can tell them something until you are blue in the face, but they might not listen. If you actually … Read more

One Of The Greatest Compliments A Parent Can Receive 

Last month my wife and I received one of the greatest compliments parents could experience.  Even better than the compliment was the person who said it. While my family and I were giving thanks for our anniversary breakfast that our daughters prepared for us on our actual anniversary, my oldest daughter said, “I hope that … Read more

A Reason, A Season, Or A Lifetime

“People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” – Brian A. “Drew” Chalker Last month my family and I took a trip to New Hampshire and Boston. I grew up in New Hampshire and met my wife at college up there as well. There are so many great memories that … Read more