The NFL post season is in full swing. Is your team doing well or are you already saying, “There is always next year.” Hopefully for you it is the former. If your team has a below 500 record I have some good news. I just heard that the NFL has invited a few new teams … Read more

How DMX Songs Are The Keys To Good Parenting

Many people have written books on how you can reach your best parenting potential. Jon Finkel and I wrote a book last year about fatherhood that came from one of my podcast series. With so many parenting books out there it is tough to digest all of that great information. Yet one day I had … Read more

Dads Start Going To The Gym When Male Model Moves In

Remember when you were a kid and got really excited when a new family was moving into the neighborhood? You were wondering if the family moving in had kids your age and if they liked the same things you did. Maybe it was another kid to play flashlight tag with, or play second base in … Read more

Voting Stickers For All Occasions

I am happy to report that I voted this week. It seems that with this election a lot of people are taking part in the opportunity to vote before the actual Election Day. Once I was completed my ballot I felt a sense of accomplishment. I did my civic duty.  As I was walking out … Read more